What’s new?
February 2025
Filtering gained new powers.
Tably.com is our new home, replacing alpha.tably.com, as we ready for Tably 1.0.
Page editing fixes eliminated our personal least favourite bug.
Signing in again is currently unreliable. Pages may be missing from your workspace, but they are not lost and this will be fixed shortly.
Ctrl+z to undo deletion of long paragraphs of text can hang. This will be fixed shortly.
January 2025
Charts have improved layout and a new colour palette.
December 2024
Nest your pages and browse them here, or in the sidebar.
Columns types like
can be assigned to help with data cleaning & validation, and suggest relevant steps.PostHog template (alpha version) has landed. It currently requires you to paste in your own PostHog token. (Example data coming soon!)
November 2024
Redesigned sidebar better organises templates and our corporate pages.
Make changes to pages you don’t own to automatically make a private copy.
Many bugfixes cut crashes and hangs by 90%.
October 2024
Full-screen tables make cleaning and exploring faster and easier.
More robust imports as well as 100+ new integrations.
Redesigned charts which are both more beautiful and more informative.
September 2024
Many improvements to steps particularly
steps.Make copies of pages from the triple-dot menu.
Tables & charts make better use of available width.
Page layout flows better when using bullet lists and quotes.
August 2024
➕ Plus buttons to insert new blocks after each step and paragraph.
PostHog imports now support millions of rows - a 100x increase.
CSV imports now support up to 100MB files.
Grouping over multiple columns is now supported.
July 2024
Filtering has a new simpler point-and-click UI.
Charts do what you want more of the time, especially when working with dates.
Undo (ctrl+z) works as expected, and no longer stumbles over changes to text selection.
Faster pages especially with many steps.
June 2024
Tables have a heap of UI improvements.
A JSON extract step for extracting data nested inside JSON objects.
Our valued alpha testers are now credited on our landing page.
Arc and Firefox crashes in private mode are fixed.
Notion import is working again.
May 2024
Anonymous workspaces are now automatically created for all visitors, replacing our old static landing page (RIP).
Redesigned tables are easier to use and even easier on the eye.
Formulas can now be written in a
step.Tably open in multiple tabs used to crash after going offline. This is now fixed.
April 2024
Automatic network reconnection avoids data loss when you (or we) go offline.
Page contents better adapt to big desktop and small mobile screens.
Export to CSV or Excel directly from tables’ context menus.
Smooth step open/close transitions ease steps’ learning curve.
Alpha quick menu in the corner for sharing feedback.
March 2024
Reuse the output of any previous step to create more advanced flows.
Get started quicker with hints when you create a new page.
Pages now work on mobile and load quicker as well.
Our X/Twitter @TablyHQ is in the sidebar (so we can stay in touch!)
February 2024
Delete pages using the triple-dot menu to reduce clutter in your workspace.
More import integrations now support one-click authentication allowing you to import you data more easily. We have improved the quality of our forms and validation.
Crushing more bugs because we want Tably to be your dependable data swiss knife.
January 2024
⏳ Steps show when they’re computing/loading/errored to set expectations and help when things go wrong.
An ongoing focus on stability. like the greatest Apple release of all time.
December 2023
↩️ Undo and redo finally work – a small feature, tricky to get right, that makes a big difference when you need it.
Work with larger tables with more work being offloaded to our servers.
Greater robustness thanks to a massive effort to port the entire site to a new framework.
A festive ~~Easter~~ Christmas egg try moving your mouse over our logo top-left ;-)
November 2023
🐍 A Python step has been added, enabling coders to go further than our built-in steps.
20 new import integrations have been added, as well as fixes to several pre-existing ones.
Robustness is much improved, with a big focus this month on real-time monitoring and reacting to crash reports.
October 2023
📊 Powerful column summaries are a dynamic way to visualise and interact with your data. Quickly explore, filter and analyse your data directly from a mini-chart.
Better examples including a revamped welcome page with a new dataset to explore.
Improved charts are easier to use, and easier on the eye.
Noticeably faster pages.
September 2023
📈 Better examples including a new page showing off how you can do SaaS Metrics.
Workspaces now sync so pages can be shared with other people.
Smoother CSV import as you can see your uploads progress. Greater robustness also means you don’t have to worry about malformed files.
flexible filtering so
works withor
, orand
.Welcome Maksym our new Frontend Engineer.
August 2023
🔍 Improved filtering so you can
by ranges such asit > 9000
.New step
to conveniently sort your data into buckets.New interactive tutorial showing how you can use the
step.Table sorting has been fixed for decimal and negative numbers.
Noticeably faster tables.
July 2023
🎓 Interactive tutorials for you to play with, showcasing our powerful analytics.
New step
Find and replace
for all your cleaning needs.Easier charts as you can quickly switch your chart type with a handy dropdown.
Noticeably faster… everything.
June 2023
🙌 Growing our team in preparation to deliver exciting new features. Your experience should feel nicer already, as we squashed bugs and improved overall robustness.
Welcome Vova our Founding Designer.
Welcome Rob our new Rust Engineer.
cargo upgrade -p office
10x natural light → 10x productivity.